Home of the Peak Producers

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Online Lead Generation Strategies and Principles #12

This image from the article, "Chasing the Long Tail" at the LeftClick Blog

The Business “Long Tail” Concept Part 1

The Long and Short of It: In Business ‘The Long Tail’ concept states that you can sell more, ‘less popular’ items than you can of popular items.

A common example is that Netflix rents more niche movies than popular ones.

So what does this mean to real estate agents? That you can make a business in marketing niche markets and that it can be often times more profitable.

The #1 real estate related website in the United States is Realtor.com. Knowing the Google keywords people use to find Realtor.com will tell you a lot about online consumer behavior and will give you a lot to think about in your own online lead generation efforts as they relate to niche markets.

Your next tip is part 2 of The Business “Long Tail” Concept.

1 comment:

  1. Lead Generation
    I read first about the Business “Long Tail”Concept. It is very informative , and this image make it more interesting.I'll wait it's next post.
