Home of the Peak Producers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you really think I’m visiting your Facebook profile to look for homes? Really!?!

Posted By NikNik on November 11, 2009: http://www.mytechopinion.com/2009/11/do-you-really-think-im-visiting-your-facebook-profile-to-look-for-homes-really.html

Saturday night brings with it one of my most favorite TV segments…“Really!?! with Seth & Amy”. In this SNL skit, Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers share their snarky take on current affairs. So in the spirit of “Really!?”…I’m going to shed some light on “Real Estate Listings Inside Facebook”!
Let’s start with obvious failures inside Facebook…at the moment!
MyRealEstateListings (there are 2 of them, as well as a few more similarly named cohorts) but they essentially all do the same thing- create a “MyRealEstate” or “MyListings” tab on your profile. You can then click on the tab (when was the last time you clicked on a tab) to view a lack luster interface of your manually entered listings from which you can then decide to click further to obtain details, which lands you on a third party site outside of Facebook. Click for more details, really!?!
My Listings, or Realtor Listing Application, displays your listings on a tab or box on the side of your profile. But again when you click to learn more you are taken to a third party site away from Facebook. Third party site. Really!?!
CenterStage for Real Estate, a failed, failed attempt to charge you $8 for displaying listings inside Facebook. Don’t even get me started! $8, really!?!
Oodle Pro aims to solve the listings inside Facebook issue. The tool can distribute listings to online communities like Facebook Marketplace & MySpace Classifieds. I’m sorry, when was the last time you were on MySpace.  Really!?! Oodle Pro can upload your listings to your Profile and Fan Page, yet they recommend to keep personal and professional identities separate from one another.  Listings on both, or is it one or the other, really!?!  And Oodle Pro will run you $15 a month! Really!?!
I will throw them a small “woot” for displaying links back to social profiles from wherever your listings get posted online.  And I do see great value in listing syndication to numerous online marketplaces and listing aggregators…don’t get me wrong! But the Facebook MarketPlace is not where I’ll be turning to search for my dream home. Really!?! I’ll turn to a reputable source…like the agent, broker, or one of the major real estate portals.
Apparently, the best options…
heatherPosting your listings as status updates on a Fan Page dedicated to your local market, where locals can choose to participate seems like the best choice to me! This strategy is non-invasive, opt-in, and informative. It can even be more friendly and creative since you can add your own take via text in the status bar along with a link to the listing…preferably one that takes you back to the agent/broker blog or site.  Check out the example from Heather Elias.
Now if you don’t host listings on your own domain, the next best option is creating a single property site or posting to Vflyer or Postlets. Once you’ve created a detailed packed site with all the trimmings (local info, pictures, video, etc) you can post the URL to your Fan Page Wall and include a brief message. Some services include an autopost to Facebook feature.
SeeMyListings from Realtor.com is a widget that can be added to your Facebook profile and displays your listings. To view more details you are derailed to a 3rd party site, but it is a more reputable site (at least in the eyes of consumers) and also displays listings in a much more user friendly manner.  See the example I grabbed from Mariana Wagner’s profile on the left.
Now if you are looking for a more organic way to share listings inside Facebook, I would recommend using photo albums. You can create photo albums of active and sold listings. I have to say, The Rains Team, does a great job of sharing listings via photos on their fan page.  But don’t forget to include a few details about the home, and important contact info.  I also came across Lesley Lambert’s photo of a recent listing via Posterous inside Facebook. She emailed the photo from her phone which was posted to her Posterous site as well as her Posterous photo album inside Facebook.
Last but not least, if you like to have stuff that no one else has you can create a custom tab for your listings with FBML (Facebook Markup Language).  You could brand the landing page with links to your blog or listing sites.  Check out  the Los Gatos Real Estate & Homes Fan Page via Mary Pope Handy. She includes a great deal of area info, market reports and listings with links to her blog. But again, I worry that tabs get looked over. Nonetheless, I know where to look for Los Gatos housing info inside Facebook.
My opinions on all this…really!?!
Personally, if and when I’m ready to move again I wouldn’t go to Facebook to look for listings. I’d go to a resource that rocks…like the agent or broker Website or a national aggregator. I go to Facebook to make connections and build relationships….to chat and find out what’s new in the lives of my friends, family, colleagues and clients! Search listings, really!?!
But if you’re goal is to show everyone the listings you’re currently managing, then go ahead and share them at Facebook too. But consider posting them to a Fan Page dedicated to your market area with links back to you, your site, or your company…not third party sites. Third party sites, really!?!
Don’t fail at implementation! If you post photos about the listing on Facebook don’t forget critical contact info or brief details. No contact info, really!?!
So, what’s your opinion…
  • Do you think listings should be posted inside Facebook?
  • If so, what’s the best way?
  • Where do you post listings ? Profile and/or fan page?

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a soft way of reminding friends and family that you are in the business. Its like a post card -they may not open the card but it still sends the message that you sell real estate. So... Im for it! I choose the Realtor option. Its free, fast and easy on the eyes. Great blog. Thanks
