Home of the Peak Producers

Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Put the Power of YouTube to Work in Your Real Estate Marketing

YouTube is truly an amazing marketing tool for real estate agents–posting videos of your listings, information about your area and basic information about buying and selling homes. Today’s successful agents are creating personal video profiles, posting them on YouTube and linking to their website, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites. Your personal video profile is a great way to get prospects to feel comfortable with you before they ever meet you. Remember that people like to do business with people they like. The goal of your website is to have the prospects who watch your video feel good about you and to like you after they’re done watching the video.

Think of the short 2-4 minute video clips that you see about Olympic athletes. These clips give us some insight into the type of person they are and helps to make them a real person in our minds.

As an agent, start with a brief personal introduction–who you are, your past, your family– and perhaps a short comment on why you decided to become a real estate professional or what you enjoy most about being a real estate agent. Don’t sell the second you start talking, saying what you can do for the person watching, etc., or you’ll instantly take on that used car sales persona.

When Hobbs/Herder creates one of these videos for an agent, we talk about things that themes we want to cover, the tone we want to create and develop a basic outline of topics, but we do not script it. If you read or recite a script, unless you are a truly gifted actor, it will come across stiff and uninteresting. When the camera starts rolling, you want to be both personable and professional. Smile…be friendly…and relax. We recommend not looking directly into the camera…but instead just off to the side as if you were being interviewed by Larry King.

It’s fine to use a cue card, where a subtle glance at key words can keep you on target. Don’t be afraid to use your natural humor; the key is to be yourself. The more relaxed and comfortable you are, the better you will come across on video. Record a few practice sessions and critique them with help from friends and family. But remember, it’s more important for your presentation to be authentic and personable than for it to be flawless. When you are ready to record the real thing, do three or four takes and select the best one.

Then post your video on YouTube, your website, in social media, and everywhere else you can think of.

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